Certified instructor course

Certified instructor course
Description: This course is designed for those who wish to become certified instructors of the Tsubaki-no-kai. Students will learn the basic techniques and philosophy of table-style tea ceremony and acquire teaching skills.

This correspondence course includes a set of tea utensils, and you can learn the basics of otemae at your favorite time while watching a DVD. You can also learn the philosophy of table-style tea ceremony and knowledge of the tea ceremony. The set includes beginner and intermediate-level textbooks, a DVD of otemae, a set of tea utensils, and a certificate of completion.
Course fee: 56,000 yen (tax included)

<Beginners’ Course
In the beginner’s course, you will learn the basics of table-style tea ceremony with the help of a textbook. Students will learn the philosophy and concept of table-style tea ceremonies, the history, knowledge, benefits, and varieties of tea, the process of making matcha, knowledge of tea utensils, and the flow of table-style tea ceremonies.
Duration: 2 hours

The year is divided into 12 months in the intermediate-level course, and students learn about Japanese annual events and tea ceremonies in the intermediate-level textbook. Each month, you will taste the sweets, flowers, colors, tea ceremony, secrets, words, decorations, and Zen words.
Duration: 2 hours x 2 sessions

<Advanced Course
Students will learn to teach and master the tea ceremony at the Tsubaki-no-kai Table Style Tea Ceremony.
Duration: 1.5 hours x 5 times

Advanced test: A Tsubaki-no-kai Table Style Tea Ceremony Academy Certified Instructor Diploma will be issued to those who pass the test.

Course fee: 248,500 yen (tax included)
Artist Course (basic course):56,000 yen (tax included)
Beginner to advanced courses and certification exam: 192,500 yen (tax included)
The Artist Course (Basic Course) is a mandatory prerequisite for the Certified Teacher Training Course.
Payment must be made in advance in a lump sum.

Annual membership fee
① Maintenance fee for certified instructor signboard: 12,000 yen (every new April)
(2) (If you wish) Fee for attending weekly Chakyo study sessions: 3,000 yen (monthly)
(If you want to pay (1) maintenance fee for certified teacher signboard and (2) tea ceremony study session fee for one year at a time: 30,000 yen (annually)
*All content will be provided in a recording.